So I know it's been a while since I did my last blog post and I am truly sorry for that but I want to say something before we start. This post is sort of dedicated to my Aunt Kiki (oh by the way Aunt Katie we are all now calling you Aunt Kiki) I'm jus kidding this post
is dedicated to my Aunt Katie not sort of also it is her birthday today and I hope she having a relaxing B-day. Any ways I'm going to get on with main point, so me and my family are going to Hawaii in about a month for 8 days and the reason is so I can see all my Aunts on my Dads side of the family. All of my Aunts live in Hawaii not the big island but in the islands of Hawaii (including my Aunt Katie). That's why we're going to see them because we can never really see them. So I've been told it's like another planet with like humidity and hopefully it is then I'll be the first kid from Oregon to another planet! Also I shouldn't be afraid of the

water this time, if I am I hope we don't stay at beach front inn. It's also pretty cool to go to Hawaii because my Aunt Katie runs Hawaii Outdoor Guides! So If read my blog and you've gone to Hawaii Outdoor Guides you should have seen or met or something with her. We are also staying in the Alani which is a Disney owned hotel and resort so that's going to be fun! I have also wanted to start doing a business mowing and weed eating lawns for money. Also I can't believe how fast summer has gone I know some have 2 weeks left of summer but still you got in like May. So I hope you enjoyed my catch up and my shout out to my Aunt Katie! Have good rest of your summer and enjoy
back to school!
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