

What is Christmas about anyways!  Why do people  go mad shopping for anything and every thing.  I mean we all know that it's about Jesus's birth but why is it so chaotic. This is a time for loving people and giving ,but that's only with family?  When people say "Christmas is a time for giving" they mean when they get something out of it, they wouldn't give their sandwich to someone who's hungry they keep it for themselves.  And I know your thinking ,what do people get out of giving presents, well they know they will get presents and as long as they get presents  they will give something in exchange.  And people started taking Christ out of Christmas they started doing X-mas and Christ is not cross because if you do this X-mas then your saying Crossmas which has the same meaning as Christmas.  So happy holidays and don't forget to give! (Remember I am a kid and have no influence on anybody you have your own religions and own choices) 
