It's done! It's Over! I'm Fine!

It's done! It's over! I'm fine!  It was not very exciting; there was just a lot of sitting and waiting. The surgery met my expectations and it didn't.

Where the doctor took the skin
The way the surgery met my expectations is: the doctor did put me to sleep, he did take out the ear tube, and he did patch it up with skin. The way the surgery didn't meet my expectations is: there was a lot of check-ups, a lot of waiting, and a lot of dizziness.  I felt really, really, really, dizzy when the doctor put the anesthesia mask on me.

In case you were wondering, I'm fine and I'm still recovering a little bit. If you didn't read my last blog post here is a link, Getting My Ear Tubes Removed.  Also, if you have a strong stomach you may watch this video that shows what the surgery probably looked like.

 Warning: do not watch this video if you get nauseous or grossed out easily!



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