My New Camera

(also the $124 one is on sale). It comes with a bike mount, a water proof case, a wrist strap, and a table or wall mount. I just mounted it to my trampoline and I got ok footage out of it. The quality wasn't the best but I could definitely see what was happening.
It also has a stop motion mode where you can have it set to take a picture every 3,5,10, and 0.5 seconds. I really like how you can have a stop motion mode because then it gives you time to set up but also watch it! Now it may not always be $60 dollars but I got it for $60 at Barnes & Noble (I got to use the gift cards I won in the writing contests at school!). It's really nice and it's small. It also has games on it so you can play on it to. It is really cool especially since it goes under water (yes, it's waterproof!). I can't wait to take it in the pool this summer.
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