Tin Tin
I bet you all know what Tin Tin is. If you don't here is a picture.
By the way, Tin Tin is a series of books and I have read six of the 27. I like Tin Tin because he is a teenage reporter that goes on all of these adventures that are interesting. He also has an adult friend called Captain Hadock who goes on a lot of the adventures with him. Captain Hadock is funny and really adds to the story with his humor.
Tin Tin books should be in you local library. If they aren't, you could check your school library or look for them as e-books. If you're interested, go ahead and check 'em out and let me know what you think!
By the way, Tin Tin is a series of books and I have read six of the 27. I like Tin Tin because he is a teenage reporter that goes on all of these adventures that are interesting. He also has an adult friend called Captain Hadock who goes on a lot of the adventures with him. Captain Hadock is funny and really adds to the story with his humor.
Tin Tin books should be in you local library. If they aren't, you could check your school library or look for them as e-books. If you're interested, go ahead and check 'em out and let me know what you think!
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